Tuesday 7 February 2012

Final post.

Sprites made:

1) Fireworks
2) Shockwave
3) Fire

Final Sprites used:




Where the fire will be emitting out from:


Screenshot of the game in action:


Fire in Barrel. :D 


Programming part for my effects was pretty straight forward, to align the image plane to where to want the effects to appear at, instantiate was used for the explosion and shock wave.

Effects - making of all the effect are in the previous few posts.

Special thanks to Mr Ron for helping us out in the making of this game. ^^


Monday 6 February 2012

Making of Sprites

Our team uses the school com so that there wouldnt be any watermark on our files.
School com is so much more faster!

Here's something i rendered at home, the watermark is annoying.

Rendered in School

Outcome for the Sprites: Render using mosaic node in houdini: 

So i composite it using over node:



Add caption

Saturday 4 February 2012

WIP: Fireworks



Did the fireworks using houdini. Spent quite a while to get it to work.

The sphere is the target where the particles is supposed to hit

Popnet work where the source of the particle comes from

Force to drive the particles, emit them from a sphere

Split the particles to get the firework look and then add in colors using a ramp for different color variations. 

Using sprites at first but i use other shaders find in the net and try things out. 

Found out that if i saved as png, it loses some color values and looks horrible as compared to saving as jpg. 

I have issues rendering after importing one of the shader from the shockwave, it gives me an error that is really annoying.

Unable to batch render with this error.

Either ways, this is one of the output before the error occurs.

WIP: Fire Render

Frame 1 to 300.

The fire looks different each time, sometimes it looks good, sometimes it doesn't.
Rendered out to quicktime for a quick visualization.
I'll use this fire and move on to creating the fireworks.

Ok, here's the mosaic thingy, but the houdini logo is there. Say whuttt. ._.

WIP: Fire

Current Fire render:


Values of density, heat and fuel are adjusted for a fire that symbolizes more of a fire that's being emitted out from a barrel. 
Added in 3D container. 

Gravity so that the fire remains static. 

Turbulence for a better lookin' fire. 

How I did the fire was pretty straight forward, went to Create a 3D container with emitter, 
scale the box accordingly to the size that i want, extend the fluid in the y axis, so that the fire have more space to move.

Changed the values of stuff like turbulence, fluid scale, reaction speed to get a nice fire.